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SM and M&B to create boy group in UK

SM Entertainment announced on the 16th that it has signed an agreement with British entertainment company MOON&BACK (M&B) and will begin producing a new British boy group.

SM announced on the 16th that it held a strategic agreement signing ceremony with British entertainment company M&B at its headquarters in Seongsu-dong, Seoul. From the left, SM CAO Lee Seong-soo, M&B co-CEOs Nigel Hall, Russ Lindsay, and Dawn Airy, SM CEO Jang Cheol-hyuk, SM creative director KANGTA, M&B music director Ben Carter, and SM CBO Yun-joong Jang.

The agreement signing ceremony held at SM Seoul’s Seongsu-dong office building was attended by CEO Jang Cheol-hyuk, CBO (Chief Business Officer) Jang Yoon-jung, CAO (Chief A&R Officer) Lee Seong-soo, and Creative Director Kangta. A total of 9 people from M&B attended, including co-CEOs Nigel Hall, Russ Lindsay, Dawn Airey, and music director Ben Karter.

M&B is an entertainment and TV program production company headquartered in London, England. Nigel Hall, who produced famous TV programs such as ‘The It was co-founded by Lindsay and Dawn Airy, a broadcast content expert who served as former senior vice president of Yahoo and CEO of Getty Images.

They will cast members who will debut as a boy group in the UK, and SM will provide K-pop know-how such as music, music videos, and choreography. Music is managed by SM subsidiary Creation Music Rights (KMR).

They plans to air the boy group’s growth process in a six-part TV series starting in the second half of next year in Korea, the UK, and the US.

Russ Lindsay, co-CEO of M&B, said, “We are confident that the combination of SM’s creative capabilities and M&B’s seasoned experience and curating in global entertainment will create a TV series that can enthuse music lovers around the world.”

SM CBO Jang Yoon-jung said, “This project is very meaningful in that it is our first step into Europe.” He added, “Through SM’s unrivaled K-pop production capabilities and global network, we are expanding into major markets such as North America, South America, and Europe.” “It will play a pivotal role in expanding and accelerating the global growth of the K-pop industry.”


Author Nat.O
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