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G-Dragon voluntarily appeared at the police station last year on drug charges

G-Dragon voluntarily appeared at the police station last year on drug charges, and after returning home after the investigation, he left a message on his social networking service (SNS) saying ‘Sapil return’.

It was a moment when G-Dragon voluntarily showed up at the police station, expressing his feelings in an impactful way, even though the police had not requested his attendance.

“Sapilgwijeong”, it is an old idiom that means that no matter what happens, it eventually returns to the right way. As he said, the police did not find any drug-related charges against G-Dragon. G-Dragon, who proved his innocence, is facing a difficult situation right after overcoming the crisis head-on.

G-Dragon received reckless speculation and ridicule from various communities when there was a drug-related issue. In the negative atmosphere surrounding him, he instead confidently tried to prove his innocence. This appearance actually made G-Dragon shine even more after he was found to be innocent.

In fact, after his innocence was proven, G-Dragon’s every move is receiving great attention. In particular, he, who was suspected of drug use, received global attention by establishing a foundation to combat drugs and donating 300 million won on his own. Instead of stopping at proving innocence, we learned the heartbreaking fact that “the average number of drug offenders per year is 20,000, and the number of juvenile drug offenders has increased alarmingly, but less than 500 of them can be treated through treatment institutions. The decision to establish the foundation was met with a lot of applause.”

Meanwhile, G-Dragon also revealed his meetings with business officials this year, foreshadowing a broader range of actions. G-Dragon recently attended ‘CES 2024’, the world’s largest home appliance IT exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA, and had a wine meeting with Ki-seon, Vice Chairman of HD Hyundai, and Shin Yu-yeol, Executive Director of Lotte Group’s Future Growth Office. Previously, he received a lot of attention by posting a photo of himself meeting actor Lee Jung-jae and his lover Lim Se-ryeong, vice president of Daesang Group, on his Instagram.

His musical activities are also receiving attention. On the 20th, Yoshiki, the leader and drummer of Japan’s legendary rock band X Japan, posted a photo of himself in a recording studio with G-Dragon on his Instagram and wrote, “Recording in my studio.”

In the photo, G-Dragon took a selfie with Yoshiki and drew an X, X Japan’s signature pose. G-Dragon responded positively to Yoshiki’s post by leaving an OK emoticon, drawing a lot of attention from Korea and Japan.

An official from Galaxy Corporation, G-Dragon’s agency, recently told News 1, “We are figuring out what type of collaboration Yoshiki and G-Dragon are planning to do,” and added, “We will let you know once we know the specifics.”

G-Dragon’s side also mentioned G-Dragon’s music activities this year. An official said, “Currently, music work is continuing. There is no specific schedule yet, but we are trying to present the result as quickly as possible for fans who have waited for a long time.”


Author Nat.O
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