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(G)I-DLE’s Minnie and Yuqi have to suspend their schedule due to poor physical condition

While (G)I-DLE is embroiled in controversy over sexual profanity, Minnie and Yuqi have to suspend their schedule due to poor physical condition, putting their comeback on hold.

On the afternoon of the 26th, CUBE Entertainment, their agency, said, “On the afternoon of the 26th, (G)I-DLE‘s Minnie and Yuqi visited the hospital due to sudden symptoms of poor health and fever. According to the medical staff’s opinion, all scheduled schedules were canceled and they are receiving sufficient rest and treatment.”

“We sincerely apologize for causing concern to fans who have been waiting for (G)I-DLE’s comeback,” they said, adding that future schedules will be conducted with Minnie and Yuqi’s health as the top priority.

(G)I-DLE was scheduled to make a comeback with their second full-length album on the 29th. Minnie and Yuqi will have to suspend their schedule due to poor physical condition, and it is expected that their comeback activities will be disrupted.

Previously, (G)I-DLE was on the chopping block after being embroiled in controversy over the sensationalism of their pre-released song “Wife” even before their official comeback.

The pre-released song “Wife” from (G)I-DLE’s 2nd full-length album “2”, released on the 22nd, is an impressive song with a pop track based on bubblegum bass and a unique yet sophisticated sound. Soyeon participated in writing lyrics, composing, and arranging the song.

The lyrics of the song include “I’ll give you more, so stop wiping your spit”, “That’s not all, eat the cherry on top too”, “From head to toe, just chop, chop, chop”, It contained content such as “If you learned it, now try getting on it too” and “If you do well, I’ll swallow more deeply because I’m full and it feels good.” These lyrics immediately became a problem.

According to the results of the music review released by KBS on the 24th, (G)I-DLE’s “Wife” was judged unfit for broadcast due to overly sensational lyrics. Considering that the song’s title is “Wife”, which means wife, many of the metaphorical lyrics have sexual nuances.

Another new song, “Rollie”, was also disqualified for mentioning a specific product brand. As a result, the two songs can no longer be heard on KBS. If (G)I-DLE wants to participate in KBS activities, they must revise the lyrics and reconsider.

However, (G)I-DLE decided not to apply for reconsideration regarding the pre-released song “Wife”, which was deemed unfit for broadcast by KBS.

The agency stated the reason for not applying for reconsideration, saying, “‘Wife’ is one of the songs included in the 2nd full-length album, and is unrelated to the stage of this broadcast activity.”

They continued, “(G)I-DLE plans to focus on this broadcast’s activities with the title song ‘Super Lady’.” In addition to the sensationalism controversy, two members have suspended their schedule, and attention is focused on how the comeback activities will proceed in the future.”


Author Nat.O
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